We took all the logs I’d gathered down to the allotment this morning. They’re on Bed 1 for now; I’ll be using some in the trellis/fern bed when it’s been cleared. Some will be forming a log pile somewhere.
Something had been nosing about in the allotment. Moss had been scraped away from some beds and there had been scrabbling about under the apple tree. The wind we’ve had had blown oak leaves from the rec into the pond, and had blown the plastic off Bed 7, but everything else was fine. The frosts have well and truly killed the oca tops now.
I harvested all the carrots. A few were a bit soft, but most were fine and I had a heavy basketful to take home. That bed is now empty.
I put coffee on Beds 5, 6 and 8. Bed 5 is a little low on compost, but the other two don’t really need any now. Beds 5 and 6 are now covered.
I’ve made a good start on taking down the everlasting peas at the back. Some more needs to be hauled back over from the other side. I used to cut these stems into smaller pieces, but nowadays I just roll it up and smash it into the compost heap.
I took a few obvious weeds out of the ledge, but I think I’ll just give it a little tidy and leave it until spring. I’ll be better able to see what’s getting to big or not once it’s been through the winter – and the big fleabanes can be homes to plenty of little creatures.