I’ve cut back more pond roots to try and reduce the water theft. There’s a bit more that could be taken, but I can’t reach it. I filled the pond quite high, but it had sunk about a cm by the time I returned in the afternoon.
It’s now clear that I have a mole and there are little molehills all around the edges. So far it doesn’t seem to have damaged anything but the lawn. I mowed the lawn in the afternoon – 3 then 2 – , but I need to scrape up the earth and put it in the beds. I’m not up for strimming yet, still knackered after Covid, but I want to do more. It’s definitely tidy up time.
The beans are completely done now, but there were loads of tomatoes to harvest and plenty of Roma yet to ripen. The sweet peas are still going, but I have yet to deadhead them or anything else since I before I went to Salzburg. The borage needs to be cut again. The whole plot has definitely has a slight autumnal yellow tinge to it now.
A number of apples have been falling, so I need to pick one and see how they taste. I also need to get rid of the huge brambles growing through the tree.