The ground wasn’t frozen, but was fairly firm and dry when I took a couple of logs down to the plot, along with some big pieces of bark from Christine. Still several more in the garage to transport.
The pond level was a bit low, but I couldn’t see any puncture, so I’ve filled it up with water from the butts. It would be nice to think it’ll hold. The iris has started to send out new shoots and I’ve tidied up a bit of grass and nettle from the fence line. I need the sun to shine through the water before I attempt to get the paddle stone that’s slipped in there. That front ledge just slopes downwards to the water. I might see if I can get some little wedges under the stones to stop them sliding.
The logs under the bird feeder had been cast asunder, as if something big had been chasing something, or rooting around under the logs. I’ve placed some log circles under the feeder for me to stand on and then put the logs around them, leaving space for the bear’s breeches and bulbs that are coming up. I might need to replace them with some heavier pieces as I imagine the logs won’t stay in place long.
There are signs of a number of bulbs coming up in the woodland bed. I think the fatter ones with the collars could be my new snowdrops. One of the lungwort looks a bit trampled, but the other two have flower buds and look pretty good.
I thought the hellebore had been destroyed in the log mess, but I found a leaf attached to a little root ball, which I’ve planted into a pot (with some of my compost) with a foxglove that was already self-sown in there.