
After lots of wind and rain, we went down to the plot for a check-up, just to make sure the shed was still there and to see what plastic might need repinning. The shed was indeed still there and all nice and dry and only a few sheets were flapping about.

Some of the bulbs have started to come up among the somewhat messy flower beds, including anemones with flower buds. the beds I left unfinished last year still haven’t been finished off, which is a bit annoying, but the conditions haven’t really been amenable. The uncovered veg beds show much much rain has fallen, looking rather squelchy and washed out. I’d get soaked if I attempted to do any gardening at the moment, so there’s just no point.

There’s clearly plenty of activity in the allotment when I’m not there though. Aside from all the little holes under the fence all around, this time I discovered that something has been burrowing at the bottom of the compost bin. And of course in the soil that they’ve dragged out, there’s a discarded seed growing.

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