
We’d evidently had more rain than I thought and the ground was squelchier than I expected. I took up the dead butterfly lavender by the shed and it made some very squelchy noises and I could see water in the bottom of hole. I should move the carnation away from the geum and more into the new space.

I managed to get the large lump of grass out of the bottom of the verbena. I didn’t dare to try and move it in case its root system was huge, but tipped it back towards the fence a bit. I got lots of clumps of grass and some docks out of the flowerbed. Some small allium bulbs are coming up and having grown from the original bulbs. There were a couple of ladybirds around the verbena, plus a harlequin, but I’m not sure any of them were alive.

What looks like new self-sown geums are near the big one in the left bed. I’m pretty sure that they are geums and not brambles. The rosebay willow herb that likes to form mats all over the place is trying to masquerade as physostegia. I dug them up hoping that I’m right.

I took up the lavender and two thymes from by the apple tree. There are also some big docks that need to come out but it was lunchtime, so next time. Parts of the ground now look a bit like when I first moved in and started attacking all the weeds, but it’s a strange mix of not doing autumn weeding and plants reaching the end of their life meaning that I’m digging them up.

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