
It was very windy overnight, but Storm Aileen was worse elsewhere in the country. I assumed that the troublesome bean pole had fallen down and of course it had. We dug a  new hole for the pole, plus a short post to go alongside it, then wedged another bit of wood between the two to try and get it to stay upright until the end of the season. So far the plants haven’t minded each time it has fallen over, but I imagine their patience may be wearing thin.

The other reason for going down to check on the plot was to pick at least some of the pears, but Aileen had got there first and 6 were already on the ground, leaving only 3 to pick. Only two had incurred slight damage in the fall, by hitting the lawn edging. Some cucamelons had also dropped from the vine, so I collected those, along with a few more from the vine.

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