
I did a bunch of weed picking and edging today. The lemon balm has turned brown and so I’ve cut that off, revealing nicer foliage. The candytuft at the front is having a little resurgence with another round of flowers, without any deadheading having been done.

Lots of grass and weeds have gone in the bin, including the edelweiss-like one, which was threatening to drop its seed. I also did a bunch of pruning of the tomato plants, trimming the cordon plants where possible and clearing out dying branches. There are loads of green tomatoes still and even a few flowers still to open.

This is my view from the shed, which I always enjoy during my little breaks. The sit-downs also gives me a chance to take a look at what needs to be done. I’ve now audited the plants so I can make a note of what’s an annual, what needs cutting down in autumn, what seeds need gathering etc. There are lots of self-sown verbena that will need to be moved.