
I did a mammoth deadheading session. The flowers are looking pretty good, having moved on to the midsummer blooms. A couple of gladioli have turned up, but I guess it’s been too hot and dry for most of them. This time of year is when the plot looks its best.

I rearranged and tided up the gourds as best I could. I thought for a moment that the yellow one that is in Bed 7 and in Bed 1 might be a pumpkin, but then I remembered that the pumpkin plant in Bed 1 had died, so no, they’re all blooming’ gourds.

I thinned the foliage of the tomatoes a little. Anything to try and keep the air flowing a bit. So far it looks good for an actual harvest!

The garden is doing surprisingly well in the heat, apparently not minding that it’s not getting much watering from me. The onions are just starting to dry off and it looks like I’ll actually have a reasonable harvest from them.

I took home more garlic, chard, a couple of beans and some salad. I really need to rip up the crap salad plants that we don’t like and resow them.