
The tulips are getting closer to opening, and a new kind of narcissus is waking up too. I’ve sprinkled some poppy seed all over this bed for some summer colour.

Before putting the compost into Bed 2, I gave it a sprinkling of phosphorous, good for root growth. (I must stir some into the parsnip bed too.) I’ve planted all the Sturon onions – I think 47 of them? There’s a bit of space at the end of the bed, so I’ll find a companion plant for there.

Before lunch I got Bed 8 edged, lined and half-filled with manure. I’m emptying my bags halfway, so that I can move them around to elsewhere. I’ve added some more to Bed 3 in my continued efforts to up its level a bit.

The bug hotel is now finished. I added another small level and tucked in a couple of leaf-filled flower pots. I’ve incorporated a couple of planter modules, which are planned for nasturtiums. Hopefully, they’ll sprawl a bit over the pile, climb the fence and then later drop seeds everywhere!

Bed 8 is now complete, having had its top layer of compost. So there’s just one more bed to do.
Over in Bed 10, I’ve added a dusting of coffee grounds for the future acid-loving kalettes.