
I’m unwell but also desperate to see how the allotment is doing, so I went down to deliver a couple of logs and tie the earwig shelter into the apple tree. I have loads more jobs to do, which I can’t yet due to ill health and the fact that the plot is still underwater.

The back pole had fallen into the pond again, followed by mud and stones from the bank. There was no point in trying to put it back, so I just took it out of the water. There was no sign of the hessian pieces, but I was able to take out a handful of blanket weed.

In happier pond news, the marsh marigold has grown a leaf, both creeping jennies are starting to green up and grow, and the Veronica is now flowering.

Over in Bed 3, my tete a tete were up, along with a snakeshead fritillary. But something (squirrel?) had completely destroyed my new yellow crocuses.