
Lots of potting on this morning, trying to chivvy some better life into what remains at home. I think some of the plants simply wanted more room some time ago, but it’s been difficult to tell because the plants are small. They’re not big plants jostling for room, they’re small plants not doing anything. The gaillardia and rudbeckia are being particularly inscrutable.

I’ve ended up with a few physalis plants of reasonable strength and the clary should be ok if it can just straighten up a bit.

In the afternoon I waited for the sun to ease a bit and took a small set of jobs down the allotment, including stacks of pots to put away that are no longer in use and a bunch of new small canes that were found up the end of the garden – just the right height for the dahlias.

I planted out 3 amaranthus Velvet Curtains – two on the right and one where the plum used to be. Three clary have gone into bed 1, ahead of all the others I potted on and have kept here to buck up. Let’s see if the slugs eat the advance party first. I also put one begonia in with the dahlias. It wasn’t very happy about being put into a transport pot this morning, so we’ll see if it gets over it or not.