
Another stint in the plot today, before the rain after lunch made me turn to my sofa rather than the digging. I’ve got loads more cabbages out and a variety of weeds. I’ve also managed to get a number of docks out, which is pleasing. After last Sunday I’d been reading gardening things online and came across an article about how to get rid of docks. Yes, that’s the article for me, I thought, as I knew that there were a lot of docks in the plot. Docks are difficult, it said, for their leaves snap off as soon as you look at them. Yes! That’s what I found! And docks have a very long tap root that’s difficult to dig up. Yes! That’s what I found! … and then that was it, the article had nothing more to say. It just kind of silently wished you all the best in your endeavours and then moved on.

Progress on 28/11/15

Pile of cabbages

Pretty colours

More cabbages have come back to our brown bin, but the pile still at the plot is much bigger than before. Some will be added to my new compost bins when they arrive, but most of the stuff I’m turfing out will go to the council’s compost rather than my own. If I manage to produce the number of pumpkins, gourds and squashes I’m hoping for next year, there’s going to be an awful lot of vine in my compost bins next year.

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