
There are a few bean flower buds, so maybe there will be a few beans before the season ends.

I cut down some more borage from the middle bed, as well as nigella and the cow parsley in the trellis bed. There are some new flower buds on some pieces of borage and I’m leaving those for now to keep the bees happy.

We’ve had some good rain recently, so I took the opportunity to start getting the mint out. It came out quite easily and brought with it an amount of grass root too. Two pieces of verbena came up and I’ve replanted them near the fence.

I’ve done some digging up in Bed 1, having done the cutting down before. With more rain around now, the digging is now possible and the notion of clearing up makes sense.

Not a bad little harvest, but this year has been a challenge. Mr B never got any runner beans after the blackfly and his carrots are small too. The really dry period wasn’t helpful, but we’re hopeful for next year!