
In the morning I cut down the potato haulms and found a couple of potatoes that had become uncovered and gone a bit green. The nasturtiums are really filling the boundary bed nicely now, so they brighten the corner that’s now lacking evidence of veg above ground.

The Red Alert tomatoes are done now, so I pulled them up. The cherry tomatoes have now got the first signs of blight with blackened stems and a few malformed fruit. I picked lots more from the plants and now it’s a race to see what else ripens in time.

In the afternoon I did some pretty good weeding from the shed along to level with the gourd bed, at which point a mouldy gourd caught my eye. That one and its partner went straight into the compost bin. The second hadn’t turned mouldy, but came off its stalk and was soft, so it was inevitable. I pulled up lots of weeds, or at least their flower heads in the gourd bed and tried to work out what’s drying off and what might be in danger of going wrong like the other two. One new shape came off on a dry vine, but it has a stalk and feels fairly hard, so I’m hopeful it will survive longer.

I harvested yet more runner beans, cucamelons and carrot and beetroot thinnings. I got my first silly shaped carrots as well as some straight ones. The middle row of the very late second sowing has tiny carrots and beetroot showing now, but I can’t imagine there will be time for them to achieve much.

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