
I cleared a spot for the corn cockles near the orange geum and transplanted a big clump. Once dug over the earth was surprisingly damp underneath.

I put 4 marigolds in by the runner beans and one over by blackly-infested cornflower. The smell is meant to deter them, but they moved in some time ago now.

I’ve also put a zinnia at either end of the sweetcorn bed. They’re good plants, but now need to get going more.

I finally finished emptying Bed 7 in the afternoon. It took forever, carving out lumps of flowers and then finding where I could put them – and attempting to mix the colours of cornflowers. There are clumps all over the place, which I hope will seed down. I’ve also transplanted some poppies into Bed 3.

I was absolutely done in by the end of the day, but marked out where the final flowers and tomatoes are to go in tomorrow morning.