
My rhodochiton plants arrived in the post – much more impressive plants than my one little seedling. I spent the morning at my potting bench and put them in pots and potted on the pink bumble bee  tomatoes.

I sowed the quinoa, 2 seeds in each pot. I took one tray’s worth of dahlias and put them into bigger pots. I should have done that a while ago. As I took them out, I could see that they’d grown bent stems as they were trying to get away from each other.

I cleared out one seed tray and split more physalis and phlox seedlings apart. I also sowed more aquilegia in the hope it might actually do something. Only one marigold has come up, so I sowed more of those too. I also spread out the straw flowers and godetia in the home flower pots.

After lunch I went to the allotment (already somewhat worn out!) and re-covered the quinoa bed – it had already dried off an amount. I sowed the callaloo. They were tiny seeds (more like poppy seeds than spinach seeds) and there were very few of them, so I did three short rows, leaving the rest of the bed available for whatever – tomatoes maybe.

I roughed up plum corner slightly and sowed the wildflower mix in and topped it with compost. I put down quite a lot of the seed mix, but it really is mostly vermiculite.

I’ve put two cosmos in 2 pots by shed door to see if they do anything. I did my first “weeding” round of picking off mare’s tail and bindweed from the ledge and around the boundaries.

Sorting out the apple tree corner is going to be a bit of a project, but I’ve made start by picking off what bindweed and vetch I can. There is a fleabane, an anemone and some seedlings beyond the line I’d draw for covering the back in plastic and bark clippings. I need to save what I can of those and level the ground a bit before I move on to covering it with a triangle of plastic and bark chippings.

The carrots and beetroot are coming up – I now need to remember to water them!