
The lupins are looking amazing. I must get some proper photos before they start to fade.

The first courgette is coming. I’ve got new tomato food on the way; I must remember to start using it on things like this straightaway.

The radishes are enormous and the first row probably needs mostly pulling up and being resown – with an effort to harvest them sooner next time. Some of these are more like turnips!

I’ve planted three of my four cucumbers. The last one is staying at home until it gets a bit bigger. Hopefully the bees will be able to find these more easily now that they’re in the open and not in the grow house.

I took the cover of Bed 1 before lunch and edged it. I also took out a huge lump of couch grass on the left side. Goodness knows how long that took me, but it was worth it. I also used the hand fork to get out the few bits of weeds and horsetail.

After lunch I used my Wolf tool to quickly loosen the soil in Bed 1. I’d forgotten what a good tool it was and also did the soil in Bed 9, though that had been loosened up pretty well by the ants already.

I planted the pumpkins on the traditional compost mounds with Growmore and then surrounded everything with my remaining straw. I’d like to add a bit more, and have some for the courgettes, so I’ll get another bag.

The forget me not was done, so I’ve pulled it up and need to use one or two of the things I’ve got at home to fill the gap it’s left. The little seedlings and candytuft and I need to sow some more of those.

The borlotti beans – and everything else – certainly look better for having had the general feed. I mustn’t forget to keep on top of feeding in this odd year.

I’ve put two Gold Nugget cherry tomatoes into Bed 7 and with that, the bed is finished but for that last cucumber. The plants will get a bit bigger yet of course, but there might be a little space at the front I could use for something.