
The allotment was under water today and the wind was ridiculous, so I just emptied my bag of crab apple leaves into the bin, put a few bamboo trays into the shed and stared at the mess in there for a while before heading home. I can’t tidy the shed up without opening the door and putting stuff outside and that wasn’t an option today.

As an experiment I’ve tied a coconut to the chicken wire of the fence, with the hope that only the robin will be able to get at it. The rooks have no problem being in the tree or on the fenceposts, but hopefully they’re not ones for clinging on to the fence. I’ll have to go back in a few days to be sure.

The logs at the back of the bed look great, so I must make sure I keep collecting them. Maybe they’ll be houses for slugs, but maybe I won’t since I don’t get many any more. Come on, toads and frogs, come and help me out.