
Another morning of potting on has left the grow house looking nice and full and the plants are always outside now unless the overnight temperatures look set to be frosty. It really is time that the temperature picked up better. Everything is still so far behind everywhere.


At the plot I did a quick round of weeding and then sowed a first batch of candytuft in various places. The pink mix has gone along the ledge, the left side of the trellis and in the front left corner of Bed 3. The purple candytuft is in the middle front to centre, and right hand side of Bed 3.

While working on the bed, I found a mystery seed, which I’ve put in near the middle of the bed. Let’s see what it turns out to be.

I’ve opened Bed 6 and edged it. The runner beans need to go here and although the weather isn’t warming up properly, the vines are getting long and mad. I’m keeping the vines outside but they’re still a bit out of control. This year is just going to be a challenge.