
The hottest day of the year so far. Yesterday I bought a bunch more perennials from Adrian’s. It’s funny how the plot and nurseries and garden centres have become happy places for me. I plant 2 new bergamots, 2 speedwell and a sea holly on the ledge.

In order to get some of Friday’s job done in advance, I dug 2 potato trenches in the back bed in the morning and the other trench in the afternoon.

I’ve hoed off the weeds in the onion bed and edged the bed. As always there was a bucket of weeds to take home.

After lunch I sowed more sweet peas – the first few are starting to come up. I threw slug pellets everywhere and will need to put down my plastic collars with their new copper taped tops. I managed to trap a queen wasp in the shed and took it home to flush down the drain. Hopefully she won’t find our way back through the drains somehow!

I weeded all along from the Braeburn to Bob’s gate. Lots of vetch was taking up space, so it was relatively easy to do, though the vetch left its mark all over me. I followed the sun along the fence line. Lots of bulbs up have come up – some of the anemones are even getting flower buds. There are also a few Californian poppies (?) to go with the other few on the other side. They were in the wildlife seed mixes that seemed not to do anything.

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