
Lots was added to the compost bin today, including a pile of runner beans that were past it. The bean vines are about done now, but somehow keep just producing the odd bean here and there. More are malformed or fat from the off though.

I snapped off most of the stems of sweetcorn that are done, down to its natural breaking point of a foot or two above the ground. That all got cut up and went into the bin. I deadheaded all the usual stuff and pulled up the last Red Alert tomato plant. Mr B gave me a bag apples from one of his trees. I asked him if they were Braeburn or something else and he looked at me blankly before declaring: “They’re the ones I can’t remember”. A nice mirror image of him asking me what type my chitted potatoes were and me having no clue whatsoever.

And another sweetcorn dinner …

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