Mum and I covered the dahlia bed and then composted and covered the back bed up to the remaining perennials.
Then we moved on to making over the front bed. I was given a bunch of roots for some tall yellow flowers I’ve admired from afar in another garden – thought to be a Helianthus. Chances are that in a few years I might regret putting them in, but we’ll see. All the lemon balm (and weeds) from the gate along to past the everlasting pea has now been dug up! I’ve left the gladioli, but if they’re blind again next year, they might have to come out.
In the holes around helianthus clumps, I’ve transplanted clumps of calendulas, cornflowers, poppies and what I think might turn into viper’s bugloss – all taken from across the path in Bed 1. There are some nasturtiums still in there too, which might have time to seed down before the frost if they’re really lucky.
The only thing left to do on the left boundary is to move the two little verbenas from the veg bed to over by the orange calendula and then sprinkle a bit of compost as mulch.