
Frost had hit the finished off various plants when I got to the plot: zinnias, cosmos, marigolds and nasturtiums. The nicotiana were still fine though and even had a flower. The calendulas, geums, poppies, flax and Californian poppies are all still thriving.

I pulled up all the veg in the second bed; this was the only thing worth keeping. The rest went on the compost heap.

I pulled up all the frosted nasturtiums and put did a little more weeding by the trellis, but I still haven’t done the remaining big weeding job. I’ve moved one nicotiana and a calendula into that bed.

The weeded part of the front bed has now been filled in more. I’ve put in Californian poppies, a couple of lupins, a verbena and a calendula. I’m gradually managing to rehouse the perennials, but tomorrow I really must do more weeding to make room.