
The plot has kicked into gear and I had to summon an audience this morning when I went to pick a few flowers.

Bed 1 is an abundance of cornflowers, borage and viper’s bugloss, with some poppies and a few calendula. In the corner where I sowed the wildflower seed, there are a few corn marigolds and some of those blue cornflowers must be from that mix too.

The Red Alerts are doing really well, the Ferlines are coming along behind. I’ll just keep feeding them. The runner beans are still fighting blackfly, but I’ve taken my first harvest from them – much bigger than my usual first harvest. The first French beans were picked too.

The dahlias suddenly have buds. They’ve already picked up a few blackfly, but I was able to wipe them off.

The first Double Click cosmos are open and they’re magnificent.

The first harvest of 2020.