
Another pile of compost and manure has gone down to the plot . I’ve now completely finished Bed 11 and I’ve marked out the rough area for the cucumber wigwam so that I can plant the garlic.

I’ve added half a bag of compost to Bed 3 as it’s a bit low. I’ll gradually add more over the year to bring it up to the top. The rest of the compost has gone onto Bed 9. I need the garden centre to restock now so I can finish the job. Yesterday I got their last 3 bags and got a great bargain on manure by paying £8 for 4 x 40l bags before it turned out that it was nowhere to be found, so I got 4 x 50l bags of a more expensive brand 🙂

Before lunch we opened Bed 7 and started heaving the homemade compost out of the bed. I edged and covered the flat end.

After lunch I gradually flattened out Bed 7, edged it, laid cardboard and put down hügel sticks. Then lovely manure and the top third got a dressing of my homemade compost instead of leaf mould. The rest of the compost shovelling will happen tomorrow when it’s light again.