
The traditional initial plot inspection turned up some surprises: an enormous cucumber among the many younger cucumbers and mammoth new pumpkins from numbers 1 and 4. They both also have other little ones coming on the same vine. They need to catch up a bit in order to ripen before the end of the summer though.

Bed 8 is just now for volunteers. The tomatoes have one fruit so far and it looks like a Red Alert at this point. There’s a self-sown physostegia that I certainly need to save.

Bed 3 is still a bit messy, but at least has some colour. The petunias are horrid and sticky to deadhead, but are flowering quite well now. The white one seems to have some colour in it too. One of the zinnias has died but the other is fine.

The harvest was massive. The big basket was absolutely full of runner beans – still trying to get on top of the overgrown ones. I’ve started harvesting the onions. A few went to compost, but there’s a reasonable harvest so far. Just not award-winning.