
I was 24 hours too late for the last sweet corn cob. Something, probably a bird, had completely eaten it and shredded leaves were at the base of the plant. So now all the sweet corn stalks are cut down and chopped up. Just the stalks to dig up soon.

The robin came back later and was very close to where  I was working, just the other side of the tomato netting from me. Then it flew off to stand on the stalks to have a look around.

Most of my time was spent making a start on the trellis bed. I’ve cut down some of the purple toadflax, but I also plan to take at least some of them out as there are too many tall things here. The bed is now in that scruffy half-done phase. The toadflax up by Mr B’s gate will be kept as it seems to suit there and is covering anything else up.

My buckets and sacks are now officially completely full, so we’re going to the tip tomorrow to empty them out – and throw away the bucket I broke today 🙁