
I started the day with potting on the marigolds. They and everything else have also had a seaweed feed. It’s a bit colder tonight, so the marigolds will go back indoors, but everything else in the grow house is continuing with its hardening off. The beans are now long enough that they need two shelves. Two runner beans hadn’t germinated, so I’ve resown those. I’ve also sown two more cucumber seeds. I have three strong plants. The fourth stronger one had gone a bit wrong and then I snapped it this morning just to seal the deal.

All the tulips are done now. Some forget me not is opening and the nigella are coming. I’d wondered where I was going to put the zinnias that I pinched out in the morning (and the nasturtiums) but I realise now that there will be some space here.

Lots more bee holes have been filled. I never imagined that this would work straight away, seeing as the birds studiously ignore the nest boxes I provided. The robin settled for something inside Mr H’s shed.

The ledge is waking up and I need to get the everlasting peas corralled. The vetch and bindweed has suddenly taken off too, so I did half a bucket of weeding before anything else.

I’ve cleared the patch between the lupin and big geum and put more cornflowers in. The mint-ridden patch on the other side is the next project. The big corn cockle clump needs to go there before I run out of places.