
The ledge continues to be an absolute highlight. I should get some more sweet william sown for other boundaries.

Lots of flower buds have appeared: both tomatoes, a delphinium and the runner beans.

The first cerinthe bud (or is it a flower?) has turned up and the sweet pea on the right hand side is starting to bloom.

We’ve had an amount of rain in the past few days, but you’d barely know it to look at the surface of the soil. Digging it wasn’t bad though and I got the dahlia turned over for a second time and then put in the plants. The pinched plants are so bushy that there isn’t room for copper collars, so I hope that the slugs leave them alone. And that the million ants don’t take against them somehow.

After lunch I finally planted out the Californian poppies which have been back and forth between home and the plot so many times that they must be dizzy. I’ve put most of them in with the Ferlines and dotted a few more in the middle bed.

I’ve put some more cerinthe into the back bed. The cosmos nearest the apple tree has been eaten up one side, so the top is looking a bit precarious. But that’s what happened to the cosmos in a previous year, so maybe it’ll still make it.

I’ve put the unknown wildflowers from the Ted X seed ball into the front bed. Digging carefully to put these seedlings in turned up subterranean shoots, so I hope there’s more life coming from the various seeds I’ve broadcast over the previous weeks.

I’ve noted some more poppies coming up (ridiculously thickly again) in Bed 1 and in the left border.

I thinned out the cornflowers from Bed 1 a little. I probably won’t bother doing it any further, as they all seem to be standing up ok. I’ve transplanted the thinnings into two corners of Plum Corner, so that’ll a be nice bit of filling if they take.