
A day off, seeing as I should have been in Austria at this point.

In the morning, Mum mowed the grass for me, as the less worn edges had suddenly grown high and turned to seed. I did some deadheading and weeding, while blowing my nose and wearing a mask to try and keep the hayfever vaguely under control. Mum also got the last of the grass out of the back of the left bed for me. So now I can see the holes a bit better for filling.

In the afternoon, I filled in spaces with zinnias and cosmos. I added more to the veg/cosmos bed and middle bed.  They’ve gone into various places along the left border too. I’ve stuck a cosmos into the trellis bed too, in front of the foxglove that isn’t doing anything yet. I’m not sure that bed is getting enough sun to get the new plants to really kick off.

I put some more cornflowers into Bed 3, as well as a few coreopsis. They shouldn’t mind the dry soil. The other cornflowers and the yarrow certainly seem happy enough.

I’ve also thrown down more seed and compost mix on Bed 1 and Bed 3. This is the last time I can do that this year, so fingers crossed it ultimately works.

I did a count up and found six apples. There may be a few more. But clearly the good cut hasn’t done anything for it biennial nature.