
In order to keep the possible fox visitor at bay, I’ve put down coffee grounds around the boundary. A fair amount of the coconut had gone overnight and the nursery pots were a bit knocked again, so I wonder if it has found that too. I tried to avoid the pond with the coffee, but of course the grounds blew straight onto the water 🙁 As much as I don’t want more rain making the plot wetter, I wouldn’t mind some directly onto the pond to wash it out again.

After some investigation it turned out that the pesky heavy fence post from the back plot was what was knocking my back fence over. The posts are rotten, but they stand up when the weight is taken off them. I need to find a better prop, but for now a cane has taken the weight and has solved the problem.

After reading that lacewings like to hibernate in wood wool, I took some sodden wood fibre from the pile of logs by the stream, broke it up and dried it out. I then split it into much smaller pieces to make my own wood wool. I spent a while pushing some into the bottom of the bug hotel. I’ll do the same to the new one between unpacking it and hanging it.


The apple tree is in need of its annual haircut. I’m hoping for a fairly easy job, taking off all the wrong bits, half the water shoots – and then halving the remaining water shoots.

One of the smaller branches has canker, probably from the cut it’s next to. I’ll most likely take it off back to the trunk.