
First job was to put in all the bulbs. I unintentionally left out a few sparaxis, so I’ll put those in the pots that have ended up by the shed. Bed 3 is now:

20 x Narcissi (Feb-Apr) – left, right, back
10+ x Tete a tete (Feb-Mar) – left, right, back
10 x Hotpants pink/white tulips (late Mar-May) – front left corner triangle
7 x Gavota tulips (Apr) – centre circle
8 x Sunlover tulips (Apr-May) – right and back
20 x Purple Sensation irises (May-Jun) – wider circle
30+ x Sparaxis – Jul-Aug – all over

There are certainly signs of life in the bug house, creepy crawlies and spiders. It may have a renovation next year, but I’m certainly not going to disturb anything right now. A couple of random cerinthe had self-sown in Bed 11 and I’ve moved them to the holes in the bug hotel, which had just grown grass instead of nasturtiums. They’ve self-sown everywhere at home, so hopefully they’ll do the same here.

I hoed up all the poppies in Bed 11 and spread them out over the soil. Then we covered the bed. The aim is for the poppies to turn into green manure and hopefully not be too sludgy.

I raked up the surface of Bed 8 and the open end of Bed 2 and we covered Beds 1 and 8. It’s starting to look a bit more tidied up now as the covers go on.

We cleared the bean netting entirely – except that H rang and put me out of action for 20 minutes. It’ll have to come down next time as it was pretty dark by the time we finished.