
In the morning I’d sowed the cucamelons and tomatoes in seed trays, as well as the remaining rainbow plum tomatoes from last year. I also sowed some marigolds, just to fill up the last 3 cells in the tray.

Down at the allotment I managed to dig over entire back bed for potatoes before coming home for lunch. It was pretty easy, with just a few bits of dock and mare’s tail that needed more care and so slowed me down. I’d forgotten about the mare’s tail really. As I went along, I pulled out some cress and weeds from the other beds too. The big ankle-turning hole near the apple tree has also now been filled in and I’ve sprinkled grass seed over the top. Heading home for lunch, my car reached 6000 miles on the allotment track.

I went back in the afternoon and finished weeding the left hand flower bed from the white plant up to the plum tree. I also ticked off a job that’s been on the list since last year, moving one of the verbenas from in front of another plant into a space nearer the gate. Before stopping the day, I also cleared more weeds from the front bed, along level to the cucamelon bed.

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