At home I sowed runner beans and some sweet peas (to fill up the rest of the pots). At the plot I put the potatoes in, on a bed of manure. What I over-bought last year has certainly been useful this spring. Digging the trenches on a previous visit was definitely the way to go, splitting the work more manageably. It’s still exhausting though. Mr R has cut my grass for me, so it’s at least nice to walk on.
After lunch I mixed together the soil conditioner and top soil and spread it all along the ledge. I put in the remaining allium bulbs that are sprouting in the shed, then scattered cornflower, poppy, larkspur, butterfly mix, mixed nigella, corn cockle and put more topsoil over the top and gently watered it. I also watered the new plants and the radish and beetroot.
There’s lots of topsoil and some soil conditioner left, as well as some flower seed, so I may continue the project under the apple tree if there is room to tread. Some anemones are not far from flowering, so I don’t want to harm them.