
Big day today – time to start planting out after a few cold nights during the last week. The beans have been put into their wigwams and I’ve stuck two bean seeds in by the vertical posts we couldn’t get out – just to see if they might want to climb and grow. I’m so glad that the wigwams were already in place. These kinds of jobs always take so long, so it’s good to have them done in stages.

Over the course of two shifts I did a fair amount of planting and sowing. I’ve sprinkled aquilegia all over the ledge and along the trellis and triangle. The seed refuses to cooperate, so it might as well be on the soil, rather than in my seed box.

I made a flower seed mix of poppy, sunflower, malope, penstemon, cape gooseberry, calendula, cornflower, flax, zinnia Oklahoma, snapdragon, aster and coreopsis to sprinkle under the arch and fence side in Bed 1.

One nicotiana has gone into a space by the triangle.

I’ve sprinkled poppy seed where the Californian poppies are coming up by the shed, as well as along to the verbena.

One lupin has gone into the back bed, and two have gone on diagonally opposite corners in the middle bed. The lupins look really big at the shop now, so I’m hoping these might catch up a bit now that I’ve actually got them out of their pots.

The remaining delphinium is now in the left bed between the orange geum and the smaller verbena patch. I’ve put in a couple of my home-grown cerinthe too, to try and aid the splash of lilac among the red/orange.