
Some of the tomatoes have turned a little less green, but not remotely red. I don’t think they’ll ripen now, so I’ve started to pick them. The vines seem to be dying or something similar. I’d like to try the Ferlines again next year, so maybe I need to start them earlier – and hope for more sunshine.

Having weeded the ledge last week, I have now mulched it and tried to fill in the animal holes. I’ve taken down most of the everlasting pea by the apple, but some of it is so completely on the other side of the fence that I’ll have to leave it.

I dug up the purple and pink delphiniums and moved them to the left boundary, shunting a few things slightly to make room. The cerinthe has started to seed down a little, so that’s good – it’s already in the right place.

I started to weed and make a little space in Plum Corner, but then ended up digging up all the lemon balm and of course piles of grass. I’ve cleared down beyond the triangle and then the next patch in the boundary needs some ordinary weeding. Now I need to decide what to put in the corner with the everlasting pea and the geum. I have delphiniums and foxgloves that need moving.