
The plot was very squishy this morning on its 4th birthday. Various flowers keep on going while I’m clearing up. I edged the bitter melon bed to rediscover the edging and went round the other two finished beds before moving on to other edges that caught my eye.

Mum came down and we composted and covered the 3 beds that I’d done. Then she finished off the French bean bed that I’d started weeding and we covered that one too.

I cut down all the remaining verbena and we took it back home folded into buckets, rather than doing the far more time-consuming thing of cutting it into tiny pieces into buckets.

I cut down the verbena and everlasting pea from the ledge. An amount of the latter was the other side of the fence and had to be pulled back through. Most of the everlasting peas have new growth at the base already, a couple of inches high.

Look at that huge gaillardia on the ledge. It still has lots of new buds on it. Let’s see if it lasts the winter. Along with the calendulas I might be building up a few hardy clumps of flowers in the beds.