
Escaped from work on a quiet day and somehow managed to dodge the rain and wind, finding sunshine. I hadn’t managed to get down to the plot at the weekend, so there was an amount to find on my rounds. Everything looked very lush after lots of rain in the past week. The candytuft has started to come up in Bed 3 and it looks like it might pretty much fill the holes.

The radish has come up really well, but I can’t see any sign of the rainbow colours on them yet. The chard is much more patchy, so we’ll wait a little longer to see how that does.

The elder has definitely woken up now and is coming into life all over. The bed towards the triangle is filling in big time. The everlasting pea is big, as is the bear’s breeches; the geum is doing well and the alliums are coming up.

This is the everlasting pea that the field vole spoiled last year; it’s bounced back well. The trellis bed has lots of big poppies coming up, some nigella, purple loosestrife and a big foxglove. THere are going to be some holes at the front that I’ll need to fill.

Seedlings are suddenly appearing on the ledge – not just what is probably poppies, but also some morning glory from the seed I sowed. It’s good to know that works, so with any luck I’ll get more popping up around the place and it’ll work to sow more wherever needed. I’ve got loads of seed.

I wonder if any will come up in Bed 7, as that’s where the flowers were growing last year.

The carrots are coming up well. The beetroot is patchy like the chard, so we’ll give that a bit longer before judging.

This is the perfect time to get the morning glory plants in along the left-hand side because the verbena has only just started to sprout. The gaps at the front of the bed will most likely take a zinnia or two.

Mum and I put up a frame for the bean netting (ordered), plus a wigwam for the borlotto beans (probably need to sow more), and a wigwam for the 4 cucumber plants (one of which has been resown). Let’s hope that Friday’s high winds just go through the holes.

In the front bed, I’ve got some big autumn cornflowers and the first one has now flowered. Getting the seed in the ground in the autumn is clearly the way to go. Seedlings are waking up, but I need to get some morning planted at the back of the bed before it becomes too damaging for me to stand on the seedlings.

The lupins are huge this year, so that, the geum, and the everlasting pea are filling Plum Corner quite well. I’m not sure the foxgloves are going to survive; they’re certainly not comparable to the one by the trellis. So I think I’ll need some filler, cosmos or zinnia.