
I put the summer party flowers in the compost today and they were followed by lots of deadheading. I deadheaded all the way around the plot and also finger weeded all around the boundary. I also pulled up the poor dead astilbe, but didn’t then fill in the hole, so that’s a job for another day. Basically everything benefits from deadheading, so I’ve cut off the flower stalks of the coleus, cut of seed heads on the candytuft and have my eye on any trimming the clary may need too.

I used today’s water to go all around the boundary, but also gave some to the poorly quinoa. I’ve picked off all the yellow leaves and given it lots of water and some fertiliser, but still it neither recovers nor dies.

Even more tomatoes are turning red (only Red Alert so far) and some runner beans are coming up to size. There’s an amount of blackfly around though and I need to spray again before they do any damage. I did see a number of ladybirds and larvae on the quinoa the other day, so that’s good.

My flowers may not be quite as dense as I dreamed of having them, but they’re really pretty good 🙂 I need to do some weeding, but there are some places that would end up with noticeable gaps,  so I should take my latest voucher and see if the garden centre has anything to fill them in again.

When I left, the blackbird was ahead of the car and refused at first to do anything other than walk slowly in front of me.