We finally had some rain today. Not particularly heavy, but certainly insistent. I’d left my buckets out at the plot and between them they gathered coming up on a litre. In the evening it was nice to wander around and see how everything was doing.
Interestingly, the poorly quinoa seems to have suddenly perked up. It’s still shorter than the others, but is now more upright and less limp. Hurray!
While what I thought was calendula in bed 1 turned out to be viper’s bugloss, I definitely have calendula in bed 7, with more coming. The majority of the weed holes are in the front of bed 7, so it will be nice to sort those out if I can. The back of the bed is full of dahlias and zinnias.
The beans at the front need checking again for blackfly, but I picked the first two beans from them tonight. Not huge pods, but the beans inside were getting big, so they needed picking. The beans at the back are following on behind and have lots of flowers.
These two flower beds look really nice now, so in an effort to transfer some of this prettiness to the borders more next year, I definitely need to layer on the compost in the autumn/spring.