
I did about an hour of deadheading and cutting back first of all and then moved on to all kinds of autumnal tidying. The courgettes have suddenly given up, so they’re now on the compost heap. I have a new theory about who got the last sweet corn as there’s a track in the grass that goes from the fence line – where I saw the field vole – to the corn.

I cut back an amount of the gourd vines and then ended up harvesting one pumpkin, one uchiki kuru and both the Jack Be Little. A lot of vines have gone to compost and I’ve made start on scooping up the straw and what weeds come with it. There are enough weeds that the straw has to go the tip this year. I’ve cut the borage down a bit further, down to the next flower buds. So Bed 1 looks different all of a sudden.