
There was a very dim-looking bird looking at me when I went through the main gate this evening. He just sat looking at me and I was busy taking photos of him when someone came up by the car and asked if she should shut the gate for me. I made it clear that I hadn’t just been waiting for someone to come along and do it for me 😄

I’ve now picked most of the borlotti beans. Not all fed quite dry, but they’ll be harvested soon. The pumpkins looked a bit drier all of a sudden too, so I’ve taken them in before any mice help themselves. Bed 1 is now ready for proper weeding and clearing.

I’ve cut back a bucketful of mint, which had suddenly sprawled everywhere. Over on the ledge there’s way too much that’s gone leggy and flopped over. There definitely needs to be some thinning out of my tall plants. I discovered a big thrift that I didn’t even know was there. Over in the triangle, I went looking for the base of the hyssop (also completely sprawling) and discovered that it’s way too close to the fence and everlasting pea. It’s going to get a really tough cut back and be moved. If it survives, great. If not, I’ll try again.