I went down to the plot thinking that weeding would be my main job, but found that lots of things were heaving with stuff to be harvested.
I managed to get all the way down the left boundary doing weeding, pulling out grass, horsetail, bindweed and the thistles that had been getting bigger and bigger, and cutting down the lemon balm in the corner. My hands and arms were scratched to hell from reaching through so much verbena.
The weedkiller used on the next door plot has seen off a strip of my dear physostegia. I’ve taken up the dead stuff and with any luck it’ll repair itself for next year.
While I was weeding a cricket stopped by to say hi.
The bitter melon is still trying and there are now a few male flowers on it at last, but the females are out of sync with them yet again.
The back gourds have wandered out of the bed again, but I’ve pretty much given up on controlling them. There’s still no obvious sign of a pumpkin yet, but the male flowers have turned up now – with no females.
In the afternoon I went back for more weeding, some harvesting and photographing.
There are lots of runner beans now and lots of French beans again – with more flowers coming higher up the plants. I’m leaving the yin yang beans now. I hope that the ones on the ground don’t get too eaten. A few things had been eaten, so I’d better put down some more pellets.
The sweet pea by the runner beans is doing nicely. I wonder if I can somehow get a wall of sweet peas next year – even if I have to cheat and buy the young plants.
The apple tree branches are hanging very low with fruit. I can’t see how to support them really. I guess all I can do at the moment is keep an eye on it.
The slightly-damaged sweetcorn has been eaten more, so I’ve stuck the funnel over the cob to protect it. It seemed like the most discrete way of covering it!
I harvested 1.986kg of tomatoes and another basket full of beans, carrot and beetroot.