
This is the dahlia that was “pinched out” by a slug before I could do it myself. Happily, it’s grown just the way it should, nice and bushy with lots of flowers coming.

The transplants on the ledge are looking good and I’m testing that the everlasting peas will adapt to their non-optimum position. You can see lots of their root ball, which isn’t covered by soil, but I’m hoping that they’re working on new roots to go deeper into the soil as well.

Amazingly, the snapdragons all over the garden are now flowering. These originated as volunteers from the gravel garden! Let’s hope they get to seeding down here too.

The coleus is thriving and I should really take a cutting and see if I can get it going to survive indoors over winter.

A bunch more runner beans were pickable. We’re not far from getting a regular stream of beans coming.

To encourage the beans on the other plants, I’ve now fed them and the bitter melons some tomato food. We’re not due any rain to dilute it for at least 24 hours.

Having not done a big shift in the allotment for a little while, there’s now proper weeding work to be done, things to be cut back and edges to be re-discovered. I need to  cut back the lemon balm before it starts pinging its seed into my eyes for example.

And I need to think about something to protect my sweetcorn, as a couple of cobs have been damaged – by the crows?