
I never got around to doing a Friday start on the deadheading (surprise!) so the morning shift was all about that and a bit of weeding. The geums had reached the point of 90% needing to be cut right down, so just the left boundary alone took nearly an hour to do. Those two buckets are just from that side.

I still somehow have about 3 trays of seedlings that can go out. So I really did do well on raising seedlings this year (well done me :)). I think the delphiniums are doing well, but won’t be huge this year. The seeds that I’ve sprinkled on the compost are doing very well, so now I’ve added my home-grown French marigolds, plus some snapdragons to the bed. I’ve kept back a few snapdragons, just in case they get eaten immediately – they’re not huge plants.

I’ve tucked snapdragons in here and there in the boundaries and have realised that spreading the viper’s bugloss seed on the left-hand side has actually worked. What I thought was all calendula is actually partly viper’s bugloss, with the pink/blue flowers coming. So that should mean I can never get rid of it from there ever again!

My left fence is no longer covered well and the view to next door is almost completely open. I don’t want to throw them into darkness, but I do need some photo camouflage.  I think this side needs some ledge-esque renovation.

  • Soil improvement
  • Remove some lemon balm?
  • Put in a couple more sweet peas?
  • Is the verbena going to bulk up again?