
Just a quick watering visit in the evening, as it’s been so dry recently. I wasn’t sure if my new Californian poppies would flower this year, but now I have the answer.

The pink yarrow in the dry bed isn’t just ok with the dry soil, it seems to be thriving! A few cornflowers and a few seedlings are sort of coming up, but I’m wondering if the yarrow might just live here now.

The sunflower bed is growing well. The far sunflower has had its centre eaten, but is branching out. I’ll see how it does. The nicotianas have been growing very nicely. Nicotiana Baby Bella are just annuals, so, like the cosmos they’re not going to help me fill the borders for next year.

The left boundary doesn’t have much verbena in it any more, but the viper’s bugloss is coming up – though only in little vertical plants so far. So it’s not a full bed yet, but may help for next year. I’m still waiting to see if the foxglove will do anything this year. I hope so – there are a couple in the back bed too.