
The ledge is springing to life. The speedwell is coming up, there’s lots of nigella and the thrift is starting to flower. The aquilegias are getting bigger too. There are a few gaps I need to fill with seed and I’ve not done anything about sowing seeds against the fence in my usual battle to cover it.

I’ve sown corn cockle seeds from the elder along the fence line to the sweet pea. I went to add a few in the corner of the front bed, but saw a freesia coming up. I’ve spotted at least 3 freesias up now – yay!

The gaps in bed 9’s edging have now been filled with a couple of pieces old fencepost.

Amazingly the remnants of one of the garden centre salvias has new growth at the bottom! And I’ve realised that the mystery plant with red shoots  is the echinacea coming up again.

I weeded all the way down to the apple tree and put in a few more nasturtium seeds among the volunteer seedlings. I’ve also put down malope seed from the lemon balm to gatepost.

I tidied up the pre-weeded left boundary and cut off the broken bits of verbena and dumped the transplants that I’d abandoned days ago. The verbenas are coming to life and getting new growth at the bottom, as are all the everlasting peas. Maybe I should invest in some more of these. They give reasonable coverage and really are perennial!

From the shed to the mint, I sowed a mix of flax, candytuft, aster, morning glory and cornflower. I put some candytuft at the front near the shed and threw the last few corn cockle seeds down near the mint.