
Visitors! The cabbage white butterflies clearly found the nasturtiums this year. I don’t think they have in previous years. There are piles of little caterpillars, busy munching their way through the leaves. As long as I can get some photos of them, I don’t really mind.

I went shopping this morning and bought 6 petunias (which weren’t around last time I went), 6 striped marigolds and 6 salvias. I pulled up a bucket of scarlet pimpernel, speedwell, mayweed and other weeds, clearing a few holes here and there in beds 1 and 7 and then refilled the holes with the new plants.

One of the salvias took the place of the dead dahlia – and was also the plant that took me a while to find again when I knew I’d only watered 17 of the 18 new arrivals. Two petunias have gone in by the pear tree, which I’ve also propped up and retied to its stake. It was leaning over somewhat in the dry ground, so I’ve also given it a load of water. Not that it has any fruit this year.

And with the £5 I’d saved with my voucher at the garden centre, I spent it on a lovely lavender for £5.50.

After two little podgy beans yesterday, here’s the first proper harvest of runner beans for 2018. Whoop!