
There are multiple potatoes growing in my compost heap 🙄 I wish I had a big mincer drill to grind up my compost. Self-propelled, of course.

Today’s job was clearing the ledge of weeds. It took a couple of hours, but wasn’t difficult. Bits of grass, cress, a big leafy thing I recognise and then some creepy stuff, vetch and nettles at the back. I found very little horsetail, getting to about halfway before the first little bit showed up.

I also cut the grass back from the lawn side quite heavily, cutting through piles of matted roots. Nature abhors a vacuum and so I’m sure it will fill it with couch grass again soon enough.

It all looks pretty good now and in order to try and establish my no dig approach, I should throw some more compost on the ledge and front bed in order to cover any annual weed seeds that I’ve brought to the top. There are some good spaces to fill and aside from always wanting to cover the fence (the transplanted verbenas are all still there), some good seed broadcasting will go well. The aquilegias and speedwells are going to be much bigger later in the year too.

The left end of the ledge has a bunch of daisies that I want to temper somewhat. Before I do that, I want to get the good geum out and move it. There’s a space in the left bed where it could probably go.

The fleabanes are getting bigger and bigger – they’re one of my original plugs. There’s no obvious sign of life from the everlasting sweet pea at the right end yet.

The anemones are opening, but I think would probably prefer more sunshine in order to open properly. I need to keep that in mind for photos.

A bunch of bulbs are visible in the triangle. I guess they’re going to be grape hyacinth or, more likely, alliums. I’d forgotten they were there.

Over by the shed, I’ve really cut back the ridiculous carnation. This is its last chance and even after heavy cutting it still looks leggy, so I think it may yet be dug up. To its left there are wonderful sprigs of green at the base of the veronica.

The buds are bursting on the fruit trees, so we’ll see what this year brings.