
I uncovered and edged the tomato bed and the second veg/cosmos bed. The tomato bed also had its first dig over.

Those dark clouds did eventually provide more than a few drops of rain. There was a mad moment of heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and hail, just as I was about to leave. I hid in the shed instead.

All the rain didn’t do a great deal to the earth, as Plum Corner looked pretty, but fairly dry on my way out.

After lunch I miraculously managed to plant out everything I had taken to the plot with me. That included 4 new foxgloves – my latest temptation at the supermarket. These should be white with red markings.

The other two are a peachy-orange colour. One’s on the left, one’s by the trellis. Also still going strong by the trellis is what I’m sure is a weed. It can stay for the moment and I’m fairly confident I’ll have enough plants to fill the hole when it’s done.

I’ve also put in a few cerinthe and a little zinnia at the back of the middle bed.