
Having seen how many runner beans are coming this year, I think I’ll simply keep feeding the borlotto beans, but leave them for a dried bean harvest.

The sweetcorn are still short, but suddenly have cobs and tassels.

I couldn’t find a support tall enough for the uchiki kuri to sit on, but it’ll be resting on this pot before long. It doesn’t need to get much bigger.

The first Gold Nugget is almost ready to pick and the first Roma plum tomato has appeared.

The runner beans were waving about far too precariously in the gusts. The soil is really soft and dry, so the canes are moving about in their holes, which doesn’t help. I did what I could on my own to support them. At least another cane needs to go in the other side. Beans need picking too, and the vines need a bit of pruning at the top, not least to take off a tiny bit of weight.

New female flowers are appearing on the pumpkin and one was on the grass, which I guided back in. There’s also a great pumpkin growing in the middle.