
Blight had arrived when I got to the plot, so I picked all the green tomatoes (and a few slightly red ones) and pulled up all the tomato plants.

I also picked the remaining few apples. No doubt there will be a bigger harvest to deal with next year.

After disturbing the back bed, I moved the snapdragons to the ledge and the left boundary. There were a few seed heads full of marigold seeds, which I’ve buried in the ledge to see if they want to grow next year. The left boundary only has a bit more weeding to be done before it can have a bit of mulch and be called complete.

After lunch, I dug up all the dahlia tubers without spearing a single one. They’ve been taken on by Mr B, who was very pleased to have them. It was a bit like digging up potatoes in that the bed has now been pretty well turned over with very little effort.

Among my moving and tidying, I got rid of the ridiculously leggy verbena by the elm and replaced it with one of the good self-sows from the veg bed. While I was in that corner, I also cleared out a lot of the grass from the fence line.

The trellis bed is a mess and now nasturtiums have popped up to complicate things. I think I’m just going to have to empty it of everything that’s unwanted and start again. In looking for spaces, I discovered that the triangle needs weeding before anything can move into it, so now the priority has shifted to making spaces before any more moving can happen.